
0032 - Tuna & Potato Pasta Matt 2.0

From this...

to this...

Just another one of Matt's culinary antics :)

As you would have prolly notice by now, most of the recent entries are merely pictures and nothing else. It's not because we're so proud that we just wanna boast what we've been doing in the kitchen. Honestly, it's just the lack of extra time to go into the detail of every meal. In fact, prior to making this, Matt actually made one with real fish slices which he thought was much better than using canned tuna. But hey, we're on a budget and he's experimenting.

One day, i will eventually update on the process to each dish... or until Matt decides to share the blogging load and write about it. Either ways, you'll be enjoying mouth-watering (i hope) images of our budget dinner on Pickering St.


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